Business Mentoring Case Study
The Senior Leadership Team (SLT) of a company was struggling to cope with the changes occurring because of a company buy-out. Change is often unnerving, and each of the SLT was responding differently to the events around them. It was vital for the employees in the company to feel supported and reassured by a united SLT during large scale change, yet this was at risk of being undermined.
I delivered 1-to-1 coaching for each of the SLT members for 18 months, working with each of them to create Personal Development Plans which enabled them to transition to the new structure and see how they fit in with the new hierarchy
As a result of this work, a new SLT structure was put in place that best suited each member’s skills and needs. This meant the company would get the best productivity from each member of the team, as well as creating unity around the shared vision of the new business.